Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Peace and pot in Sri Lanka

Greetings from a peaceful Sri Lanka… after 19 years of hardcore battle there is finally peace… mi 2nd day here after a 3 month stint back home, was in middle of the Peace rally… which as most things in this country was quite full on… over 300000 people marching, chanting, dancing, getting completely piss and stoned under a torrid sun (in Colombo is always 31° C!).

It was a nice feeling when you are the only white face in a huge crowd and you get the best dialogs…

- where you from sir?
- Argentina… but I live in New Zealand
- Ah… Maradona and Chris Cairns…. Very good combination sir!!! same hair style!!

You feel the difference that peace is making… no more roadblocks… free travelling… very cool atmosphere… the final peace process still has a way to go, and a lot of negotiation to be done… as the prime minister is driving the peace process, but the president is opposed to it… (welcome to Politics!)

But is very good for the north east (Tamil land) which has been neglected for ages… and there is were I’m going for the next 2 weeks...